The Rite of Bared Arms

The time will come, oh yes!The time will come whenThe weary and care-worn shall pauseAnd stagnant rivers will be absent their cause. The time will come when profits of doom,Their privilege bought with innocent lives,Will be swept away as infectious scree,In their wake, the absence of gloom. Time will come when profit loses its gleam,Currency will cease to be current,When […]

The Year That Never Was

It was the year that never was…2020 strung out in a long series of days,Weeks and months embeddedIn a fabric of limbo. The better part of 9 months waiting to exhale…And for those less fortunate, waiting to inhale.9 months of entreaties to embrace the new normal,9 months of coping daily with the supranormal. The new normal? Normality? Formality? Banality?Brutality of […]