Beware the Ides of Marching

Gaping gargoyles of Gullivers traveled,Hell bound homophobes from horrid hamlets,Formidable fops flit feverishly forward,Ivory imbeciles’ inimitable impishness,Elegiac embers of eliminated elders,Dogged dullards divide and diminish. —Robert Hieger     May 9, 2019

Artifacta con Bravado

The world of tomorrow is here!Artificial intelligence,Artifice, Artemis, Arcturus, Bravura, All bedfellows of bluster and hubrisCommand us to usher in the fledgling,Artifact come of age. The shining pearl of wisdomCome from the logic gate of the divine,Trifecta of the soul, mind and anti-soul,Will the real intelligentsia please lie down?Unearth the sacred clown?Elicit more than cynical frown? Intelligence lies,intelligent lies,Intelligence vies […]